Angelic Advice

Angelic Advice

Move, walk, talk, laugh, for there are many out there who want to do the same.

Write dear one, for your life on paper will answer many questions.

Exercise regularly, for when your body is strong, the mind become clearer.

Have fun dear one, for when you count your pennies, you value a number more than yourself.

RECEIVE!  Be open to receiving, for we have been guiding you your whole life.  But your beliefs in good or bad, right or wrong, and what others think or believe have been blocking you from seeing the light.

And FORGET the others who advertise their ignorance, for they are just trying to find their way through the beliefs they also have been taught.  They have to experience the ‘fail’ in order to open their eyes, so why, why, why let that bother you?

~ RoseAngel

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