Category: Belief

Does This Feel Good?

Hello dear ones, how do you feel?  Do you know how important the answer to this question is?  How you feel is an indication of what your life is creating,…
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But I Tried So Hard

If the Law of Attraction works when you believe in something, so why did I not get my belief?  I tried so hard to believe it, yet it never came.…
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Why Do Some People Seem To Have It All?

You watch your friends, neighbors or even acquaintances and wonder why they are able to have it all, yet you are struggling with the material things you so desire and we…
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Why Worry?

We find ourselves in a fearful situation and our first reaction is to worry, and we ask why worry about the unknown?  And why worry about that which you can not…
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Oh What Little Faith We Actually Have

Hello Dear Ones, We are so pleased to talk to you today.  We have been listening to your prayers and see your efforts to do what you have been told…
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