What is drama and why do we feel stuck in it at times?  Drama is just confusion of life, not knowing where to turn to or why so many things are happening to you at once.  This is a simple emotion, very helpful when life tends to come at you all at once.  This confusion just means you are working through change and change is important to your growth.

Drama is usually viewed as a negative statement but we say it is very positive.  It represents change and usually for the better.  Though any change is good, for it points you in life to movement and direction.  We are constantly changing though we tend to want to stay in what we feel is comfortable.  This does not work for life will cause you to change.  This is when the drama may occur for you are fighting what your inner self is directing you to do.

We say, dear ones do not view your drama or confusion of life negatively.  For this is what is needed when you are ready to grow.

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