Which Is The Path To Least Resistance?

Which Is The Path To Least Resistance?

Everything we do, everything we decide, every step we walk is the choice of our path to least resistance.  What do we mean by this?  We find ourselves in situations we do not like, such as a bad job, a painful relationship, overwhelmed by family or friends and we pray for change but the change we ask for is not the choice we want for you have already chosen to be in these situations. 


We think we are trapped in a bad job but we chose it.  Hard to believe, we know but think about it.  If the negative out weighed the positive, you would be out of there.  You stay because of the money or because there are not any good jobs out there or our personal favorite, because you like the people you work with.  This job is the path to least resistance and that is why you are still working there.  Once you focus on the good aspects of the job and let go of the bad, then you will be happy at work once again.  It is law, either at this job or another job that will open up to you.

The same with your relationships, you continue to ‘suffer’ through them because the good out weigh the bad.  Whatever the reasons (and there are so many), once the bad out weighs the good, which you usually call this ‘rock bottom’, then change will be made.


So it all comes down to what you are focusing on, dear one for you are exactly where you want to be in life, otherwise you would have changed it.

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