Life is Funny

Life is Funny

 Life if funny sometimes, not the haha funny but the hmmm, I did not see that coming funny.  People think they want things in life easy and well adjusted but this is not true.  If it were true why would so many create such dramatic lives?  This is not by accident that people fall into this type of life.  This is chosen, maybe not consciously but we always have choices.  Life may seem tiring at times, you may just want to give up but at these times, dear ones your energy to heal is at its highest and this is a good thing.  Everything is balanced and what seems to be difficult is just the opportunity to make different choices or to learn by trial and error. 

 We are always growing, learning, expanding our minds and souls and there is not one of us that would have it any other way.  It all comes down to how you experience your difficult times, that is the key, you know.  Choose to try something different, choose to not allow it to sadden or effect other aspects of your day, choose to see the other side of the situation.  For when you can accomplish this, life’s burdens will cease to have an effect on your life.

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