“Follow Your Heart, For It Always Leads You Home”

"Follow your Heart, for it Always Leads you Home"


RoseAngel's first book, "Follow Your Heart, For It Always Leads You Home" is filled with short, powerful guidance from your angels. Know that when you are feeling lost and seeking direction, or just searching for confirmation, this inspirational book will help you do just that. Each uplifting passage will give you valuable insight into overcoming life’s battles, revealing how simple and joyous living is supposed to be. For the angels have a way of pointing you back to what was in your heart this entire time, and allowing you to feel at home once again.


Book Reviews

The message really gets in touch with your feelings and gives you the exact guidance you need at the time, it's inspiring and insightful and for me, it's a very comforting reminder that we are not alone. I can not express enough how helpful this book has been to me. Brandi G.

I absolutely loved this book. From cover to cover it has amazing guidance and insights into issues to help you see problems in your life through a different perspective. When I have a problem, I will flip through the pages and pick one reading at random and somehow I am always guided to one that gives me the guidance I need. Buy a copy now! Matt Reaves

Fabulous little book!! Little in the sense that it’s not a ton of pages, but it’s not quantity here that counts, it’s quality, of which I prefer the latter. It’s direct and to the point and enlightening at those moments in time when you are looking for clarity and direction. A great addition to any library      Jessie Morales


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