We See Things the Way We Want, You Know

We See Things the Way We Want, You Know

 Here we go again; we are either happy or sad and have not figured out that being in between is a better state for then we are not creating that which is not wanted, you know.

When we are sad, we will find things to support our feelings, for being sad is a choice and seeing the good all around us does not confirm our chosen state of mind.  This is why so many now use the term ‘think positive’.  For when you look for the positive in any given situation, it opens a door of choice, and usually a better choice than what you are living at the time.

Being happy is also a choice.  It usually takes more energy to do so since others do not want to see you in your contentment when they are choosing to be sad. 

All we are asking is to be aware of your state of mind and if it does not bring you joy, happiness or even contentment, then choose to change it.  Just focus on one little thing that makes you happy, feel it and then you will feel it dissolve your sadness enough to be open to other happy feelings.

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