Difficult Times Call for Better Choices

Dear ones,
Life is difficult at times, but it is only when you give up, that brings you pain. You see, no matter how hard life becomes, you have choices. You can choose to believe that matters are out of your control, making you a victim to the circumstances, or you can believe that you are safe, and that no situation can come into your life without your approval.
We would like you to believe in the latter, for you really do write your life’s story by your beliefs. Do you not remember how you have beliefs that others do not, and they always seem to line up? Think about your skills that make you believe you can do certain things. Tell us, is it the skill, or is it the belief that creates the outcome?
We say, no matter what is happening in life, nothing is more important than you feel good. So, if the news makes you fear, stop watching it. If your neighbor angers you, stop associating with him. If you fear money or lack, then focus on what you do have today, for tomorrow is another day.
We promise you, even though life may seem to become harder before it becomes easier, it does ends well. Know there are others who are working behind the scenes to protect this world. For you are not the only one feeling the fear of all the changes, but you are the only one who can choose to feel better by knowing things are always working out in the long run, for they are.
~ RoseAngel