Achieving What is Wanted

We are here together to celebrate life, though most of us are just accepting, surviving, or tolerating our existence you know. We are given many choices, but in order to achieve them we must get unstuck first. We tend to find ourselves competing with others, noticing what they have accomplished, which causes us to support the belief of our own lack. And when we put our attention to what we do not have, we make excuses to support this belief of scarcity, which gives us no direction for change.
We have been told we can have anything, and we can, but we have no idea how to make it happen. We think of how our hard work has only keeps us a float, so what else can be done to make it to the top?
The answer is so simple we tend not to trust it, and that in itself is the problem. You see, we can have anything we believe in, but while achieving these beliefs we ask you to stop focusing on that which gets in the way. For when you give your attention to what is not satisfying, then your beliefs take a turn toward what is not, and you can never achieve what is wanted when you believe in what is not.
Keeping this in mind, what do you want in life? And when you think of having it, what stops you? These are the answers that keep you from trying you know. I want a business, BUT that takes a lot of money to start. I want to be famous, BUT there is so much competition and many fail. I want to fall in love, BUT all the good ones are taken. Why even try if these are your beliefs?
Step one to achieving that which is desired is to TRY, just take the first steps, baby steps toward what is wanted. You see, when you try to achieve it all, there are so many distractions that you can lose your way. We assume we need to know how to get from the start all the way to the final step prior to beginning, but this way of thinking causes the ‘BUT’s’ in our equation, which usually leads to giving up because we do not yet have all the answers.
We ask that the first step be without conditions, for it will open the door to the next step, and the next, and so on. Most who have accomplished greatness did not know how, they just knew why they wanted it. For it is the desire which will guide you, the belief that will fuel you, and the knowing that all things are possible that will insure you continue until you are have accomplished your purpose.
~ RoseAnge
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