Author: RoseAngel

Facing Your Fear

The only way to release fear is to face it for what it really is; which is usually a misinterpretation of a situation in life that we were not able…
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Body, Mind Connection

The body can heal itself of any situation it can get itself into.  It can heal cuts, scrapes, broken bones which are things that are easily accepted, we know.  But…
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Receiving is Our Birthright

We are not supposed to struggle or fight for what is justly ours.  We have been trained to work hard but this does not have to be, we choose it…
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Appreciation… Why does it work?

Appreciation- What is it all about?  How does it work?  Why would it work?  Seriously, how can it be that simple?  These questions are often associated with the thoughts of…
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The Law of Attraction, Part 2

When we realize that every thought we think, every word we speak and every emotion we experience is a request to the universe, then we can think, speak and eventually…
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