Author: RoseAngel

The Law of Attraction, Part 1

The Law of Attraction is evident if you believe in it or not.  It states that what you think about, feel within and believe to be true, will be attracted…
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What is “Alignment” and how do I get there?

Alignment is the complete acceptance of who you are, what you are, and what you want with the complete acceptance that it is yours.  When you are aligned, everything comes…
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The Power Behind Fear and Guilt

Fear and Guilt are the only two true sins for you can only sin upon yourself.  When you believe you are a victim and that bad things happen to you,…
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Manifestation 101

We all have stories of manifestation if we think about it.  We all believe we are good at something and we create that something to happen – this is manifestation!…
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Today’s blog is on Self-Respect. I hope you enjoy it.

When you feel you are out of control, you really are making your control.  When you fear the way the world looks at you, then you are looking at yourself…
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