Back to the Basics

Our Dear Ones,
You have come so far, maybe too far, forgetting what truly matters in life. Life can be so hectic at times that you forget why you are here. So many plans, and not enough time to implement them… so it seems that nothing gets done.
This being said, let us get back to the basics, for this is what is wanted by all. You came here with a purpose, and this purpose never leaves you. Your Angels came here with you, and agreed to always lead you toward what you want in life.
Not all of you came here to be famous, nor to be a leader, but you all came here to experience life, and to grow from those experiences. Which brings us back to you forgetting what really matters in life. Life is supposed to be fun, dear ones, but instead of aligning with that which makes you happy, you tend to concentrate on the ‘Not Enough’ in life. Not enough money, not enough health, not enough good men/women out there to fall in love with.
We ask you to step back and realize that what you focus on, what you think and believe, especially with emotions, is what you attract into your life. We understand that when life if difficult, it is hard not to focus on it because you believe you are trying to make the situation better, but You Are Not! You cannot focus on that which bothers you and see the solution. But if you reach for better feeling thoughts, your energy will become more calm, and you will be in a place of hearing us guiding you to a solution.
We are always guiding you, in whatever way you will hear us. Be it a whisper in you ear, a song, a billboard, a conversation you overhear, the list goes on and on. Though the ball in your court to hear us, or to choose to focus on the frustrations of life. We ask you to choose that which feels good, for worrying never helps you anyway. When you choose feeling good, it gives you hope, and it aligns you with your Angels so you are able to hear their guidance. And, of course, it just feels better.
Some of you have made a career out of worrying. It could be that you come from a long line of worriers, and that is all you know. This is okay, for with the pain of worrying comes the desire for change. And it is never too late to change. We want you to know that even the tiniest move away from worry and toward hope is all that is needed. Give your worries to the Angels, dear ones, and ask that they are healed. When you do this, and are able to let the fear go and trust you are taken care of, you will see a noticeable change… it is that simple!
Worry less, and choose more Happiness, Fear less, and choose more Hope, Anger less, and choose more Forgiveness, FOR NOTHING is Worth Beating Yourself Up Over, Nor Feeling the Pain Over.
Life is Full of Choices, Choose to Feel More Happiness.
~ RoseAngel