Be Happy, Do Happy, Feel Happy

Be Happy, Do Happy, Feel Happy

Our dear ones,

We are here for you, guiding you through every move, whispering in your ears, and pointing you in the direction of happiness.  Happiness is the key, you know.  For all you want in life is to be happy.  You think you want the money, the relationship, the career, etc., which you do, but the reason you want these things is because you believe it will make you happy.

Life was so much easier when you were young, and you think it is because you did not have the responsibilities you have now.  But this is not true, for the responsibilities are your choice.  When you were a child, having fun was your choice. 

We want you to know that unless you find happiness in your responsibilities, you are just moving in circles.  For what you feel and believe, creates what you attract in life.  So if you believe you will be successful, and work hard to achieve this, you will.  But we ask you to believe you will be successful by having fun, for you forget this is an option also.

This being said, we ask you to pay attentions to your beliefs, for your beliefs are everything. And since you are in control of what you believe, it is time to believe life is easy, and you attract that which is wanted in the perfect divine time.  

~ RoseAngel

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