Be Happy New Year

Be Happy New Year

New year, new month, new day, and we all say Happy New Year!  We make resolutions, decide upon changes, and see ourselves as healed by the end of the year.  This, dear one, is not bad for when we see ourselves as healed, be it finances, body issues, relationships, and so on, it is always in your best interest.  We would wish these were your actions year round, for that which you see, think, and believe, is what is attracted in life.

We hear wishing it were that simple.  And we say it is simple, but not always easy, for you are changing habits and beliefs that you have held for years.  This being said, we ask you to start paying attention to your beliefs.  Do they serve you?  Is this what is wanted in your life?  If not, take the steps to rewrite it to that which is wanted. 

We know you like to think of what bothers you, as if you will figure out how to change it if you repeat it again and again.  You like to tell others of how someone has done you wrong, so they take your side, confirming you are the victim here. 

All the complaints about lack of money, body pains, not having a partner or how your partner did you wrong, these situations may be true in the moment, but dwelling on them will never solve them.  For you cannot complain about what is wrong, and see what is right.  The mind cannot think two contradicting thoughts at the same time, so we advise you to pick and choose that which is wanted.  Focusing on what is wanted will allow the solution to appear, and the next step to start to make sense.

Start off small, dear ones, and think thoughts which make you happy.  Learn to feel good by imagining that which is wanted.  When you feel life is difficult, make up a path that feels better.  For once you believe a change is possible, the next step to creating it will be clear. 

~ RoseAngel

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