Believing in That Which Feels Impossible

Our Dear Ones,
Believing is all relevant, you do or you don’t. But why put so much emphasis on believing, when it is your actions which tell the story? What do you truly want in life? Where are you on the scale of what is wanted? What are you willing to do to achieve what you want? What is stopping you from doing it?
These questions will tell the story of why you do not have what is wanted in life. Now believing is important in the fact that it guides you to success, for you will always achieve that which is believed, be it something good, or something uncomfortable. So do not disregard believing, but also do not beat yourself up for not aligning with believing.
As humans it is hard to believe that which has not been achieved by another before you, for you tend to only believe it as possible when you see it has already been done. So, how do others achieved what is classified as impossible?” They do not give up, maybe because they believe, or maybe because they want is so badly, they do not allow the doubts of others to stop them from achieving. Either way, once they succeed, they changed the course of what all the others believe is possible.
Now stop categorizing things which have not been proven as possible, and understand that anything is possible to the person who does not give up. ~ RoseAngel
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