Category: Choice

Why Allow Another to Change Who You Are?

Hello dearest one – why worry about that which does not serve you?  Why allow others to decide your feelings and most of all dear one, why allow another to change…
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Life is Funny

 Life if funny sometimes, not the haha funny but the hmmm, I did not see that coming funny.  People think they want things in life easy and well adjusted but…
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Take a Deep Breath of Freedom

Freedom is like fresh air; there is no question what to do and how it feels.  Freedom is salvation.  When you are truly free, everything works out for you.  This…
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Addiction is a Choice

Addiction is a choice, yes this is true.  Because one chooses it to discover a way to cope with things that are difficult to face.  This is why it is…
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Tell Me My Future

 Your future is forever changing depending on where you are in life.  We are not here to tell you something that is not written in stone but we are here…
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