Facing Your Fear

Facing Your Fear

The only way to release fear is to face it for what it really is; which is usually a misinterpretation of a situation in life that we were not able to understand when we originally lived through it.  In other words, a big misunderstanding. 

Say, as a child, you witnessed someone get hurt, either on their own or by the hand of another.  You are fearful that you may fall victim to the same scenario.  When anything happens in your present day that reminds you of this past situation, you relive the fear of the child that experienced that situation.  You do this because as a child you did not understand and as an adult you do not go past the fear feeling to see this misinterpretation.  That is what is meant by facing your fear.  Once you get past the overwhelming feeling of fear and the truth behind the fear materializes, there is nothing left to be afraid of.  You understand it and it no longer has power over you.

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