Feeling Stuck

Feeling Stuck

We all have desires yet most of us are afraid to confront them.  It is not that we fear the outcome, it is we fear change or going against what we’ve been taught or what others would approve of.  This puts us in the middle or feeling ‘stuck’.  There is nothing that bothers oneself more than feeling stuck for we know what we want and we can not get there. 

There are reasons for these feelings, most too complicated to explain.  We are all in the process of experiencing life and in order to do so, there are many levels that must be accomplished in order to move toward what is wanted.  The reason for the levels is because you can not go from one belief to another without experiencing the shift or change, and then the belief it is possible.

For example, you want to learn to dance but all your life you believe you have two left feet.  You can not go from that belief to the belief that you are a great dancer.  You start out small and once you accomplish a simple step, you are confident to try the next and so on until you become what you believe you can be.  

This is true for everything in life, it is just that most want it all and they want it now.  Let go dear ones and appreciate what you do have and then just take the next step.

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