Finding the Path to Healing

People fear health issues, for it is the one thing they believe is out of their control. They feel victims to what the body manifests in the form of dis-eases. They fear others who are ill, for they do not know how to talk to them or make them feel better, and they feel helpless, so they usually avoid them all together.
We are in a society of fear when it comes to healing thyself. We believe it is impossible, even though it has been done again and again. We want the health, but we do not always take the steps to create it. We depend on our addictions to get us through the illness, but that just turns a blind eye to healing.
Life is not always easy, we know. But when we are in a position of struggling for health, we must give up the old ways and find the path to new. Fear plays a big factor in blocking our healing, for it makes one see the possibilities of what may happen next. This reinforces the belief in the disease, and takes the healing out of the equation.
Fear is natural, we know for changes in the body bring pain or uneasiness. And it is difficult to stay positive when one is suffering. This being said, we ask you to take a step back, look at the possibilities of health and healing, and choose to focus on how amazing this feels.
When you are in pain, pay attention to the areas which feel good, and be grateful in that health. For you are always in charge of your thoughts, and thoughts become beliefs, and beliefs are everything.
Once you are on the track of healing, the next step will come to you, and then the next. Your belief will lead you to information of that which will aid you on your journey, for when you are on the path to healing, all is presented to you.
~ RoseAngel
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