From Forgiveness to Freedom

From Forgiveness to Freedom

Dear Ones,

Today we speak about Forgiveness, a subject most do not want to hear about because it is so difficult to face, never the less to do.  We find this concept of denying forgiveness intriguing, as we see you choosing to suffer before allowing to let it go.

We say, ‘Letting go does not mean you are friends again, for forgiveness is for thyself.’  The truth is, letting go is not keeping the attachment of the pain from a situation which happened in the past.  Letting go is knowing that the hatred you have for being wronged, is not worth the destruction to your being.  And letting go is surrendering the injustice of that which has been done to you, because you have suffered long enough, and deserve to be free.’

Letting go is difficult to many, as they feel that they must remember that which has been done to them, in order not to allow it to happen again.  But we are here to let you know that what you focus on, attracts more of the same.  Which means, your feelings of being victimized, creates you seeing yourself as a victim.     

This being said, we ask you to see the one who has hurt you as being lost, for no one hurts another (accidently, or on purpose) if they are in alignment.  You see, we all do the best we can, with the tools we have.  But some are so far lost that they no longer can feel the pain they had caused another, because they were so focused on survival.  And some believe that by hurting others, makes them feel stronger, or better than another on some level.  So, they disconnect from the needs of others because they are trying so hard to not to feel their own failure.

When you are hurt by another, you feel a victim of their actions.  But it is not them who is holding onto your pain, it is not them who is suffering when remembering that which has been done to you, and it is not them who is feeling your hurt toward that which was done… it is you feeling it all.  You are the one who holds onto the injustice you had experienced, and in most times, without them even knowing. 

We say forgive them, know that they were not able to do any better at that time.  And know that no one who hurts another, receives joy in the process, but you can.  You can let go of the pain and hurt, and choose to find your happiness once again.

~ RoseAngel

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