Happiness Is Contagious, You Know

Happiness Is Contagious, You Know

What is happiness?  We all take it for granted, you know.  Happiness is what fuels our soul, for we are all meant to be happy.  We forget this, for we tend to focus on what is not, which makes us sad.  The lesson here is so, so simple…. Focus on what brings you joy.

We think it is more important to be responsible than to be happy, we think it is more important to take care of others over ourselves to be happy, we think it is more important to work toward changing what life gives us to experience, in order to be happy and we say WHY?

Why do we give up that which we are here to do in order to do what we think is our obligation?  Step back dear ones, for this does not make sense.  If you give up your own happiness to do what you have been taught is the right thing in life, instead of following your gut feelings – how will you ever know what really works for you?  If you give up your happiness to help others – what are you teaching them?  If you give up your own happiness to try to force a different outcome – where is your lesson that helps you move forward in life?  If you give up your happiness for any reason, lesson, responsibility, or for any other person…. Then you have given up your purpose in life, and will never find an outcome that benefits yourself or any other.

You see, you cannot let go of that which makes you happy in order to make another happy.  And this is the only reason you one will ever do that which you think or have been taught is the ‘right’ thing to do.

You see dear one, we are blind if we believe in giving up of the self to assist another, for we all have to experience for ourselves that which we want to change in our lives.  Others cannot change for us, so if you desire to help another – Teach Them By Allowing Them To Experience How You Have Learned What Life Can Be Like To Love Yourself.

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