Lean on Me

Our dear ones,
Life may be good, life may be bad, life may be hard, but regardless to how life seems to be treating you, you always have the option to change. You are never stuck without choices, for it is just your beliefs that have you accepting there are no other possibilities.
You see, it is all about the ‘lean’. For you know that if you change something that is not wanted, you will lean toward something you are avoiding. You may hate your job, but you like getting paid. You may not be happy in your relationship, but you do not want to be alone. You may be bored in life, but you are afraid to try new things.
No one purposely keeps themselves in unhappiness, unless there is something stopping you. And, if you are unhappy, it is because you want to change, but are not willing to step outside of your comfort zone to do so, otherwise you would be content.
This being said, you always, always, always have the option to change. For There is a Solution to Every Problem! But you have been leaning in the wrong direction for so long, it is hard to stand straight again.
No worries, for the lean will get harder and harder to accept, until one day you are ready to tolerate change. You may still feel the fear, but the need to change will be greater, and the fear of what may happen will no longer be enough to hold you back.
Dear one, start by taking baby steps, for the thought of completely changing may scare you back to leaning. Think of what you want, see yourself making that change, and feel the freedom of having it. Pretend it has already happened, and soak up all the joy that comes with it.
For when it is your time stop leaning, and to straighten up toward your desires, the universe will support you. Just take that first step, and the next step will be shown to you, and then the next, and the next, until you are ready to let go of what is stopping you, and lean toward that which is truly wanted.
~ RoseAngel
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