Life Does Not Have to Be Difficult

Life Does Not Have to Be Difficult

Dear ones,

Fret not, for you are not alone.  We are guiding you every step of the way in life.  Know that you are not making mistakes, for you are learning to cope with every difficult time.  You are not a bad person, for you are doing the best you can with the tools you have.  What you are dear one, is critical of yourself and others, for this is what you have been taught in life.  And our wish for you, is to unteach these thoughts, for they do not serve you.  Our desire for you, is to come to realize that life does not have to be difficult.

This being said, pay attention to your thoughts and beliefs, for if they bring pain or fear – CHANGE THEM!  We know this may be difficult, for you do not want to ignore that which scares you, and you may think that by putting your head int the sand, it may get bigger and overwhelm you.  We say, it is the opposite dear one, for dwelling on that which brings you fear, creates more fearful energy, and attracts more reasons to be fearful. 

We ask you to think thoughts that feel good, believe good things happen to you, and give your fear to the Angels, for they will always support you, and never let you down.  You see, even when life is difficult, you are growing from the experience.  Be okay with your next step, for you will soon see the reason for this life’s experience.  Put your attention on that which could go right, even if it is too big yet to believe, and allow it to feel good, so that it may open you up to the possibilities of visualizing how to achieve it. 

Once you have practiced changing your thoughts to better feeling experiences, you will notice that fear will no longer have a hold on you.  That you are more open to hearing your Angel’s guidance, and seeing a better path in life of attracting what is wanted.  And you will also be at a higher level of good feeling energy, which attracts more of the same!

~ RoseAngel

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