Life’s Direction

Life’s Direction

Dearest one, what direction are you heading to?  Are you happy with what you are creating?  Do you feel joy and enthusiasm regarding your future or do you feel trapped?

You create your life, believe it or not.  Your thoughts are outlining your direction and if you feel no hope, then your life will follow. 

You say, this is how it is and we say that is how it was.  You say you have no luck and we say you create your own luck.  You say why would something good ever happen to me and we say why not?

It all starts with a thought – think better.  What little possibility could you see for yourself?  What small change are you willing to take?  What negative belief are you not going to allow to surface?

When you are ready to change your direction, start small and enjoy the changes for when you feel joy, the possibility of moving in the right direction open up for you.

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