Money, Money, Money

Our dear ones,
Finances are a big fear for many at this time. Prices seem to keep rising, and it is hard to adjust. You want so much, but do you truly believe you can achieve it? When you find yourself in fear, know that you are not in the vicinity to see a solution. For fear is the opposite of truth. And the truth is that money has energy, so when you fear lack, all that is noticed is what you do not have. Whereas the belief in attracting more money, opens doors to find new venues of income.
We know that when you are caught up in the ‘not enough’ of life, it can be scary, for you see your future as bleak. You notice how much is coming in and how much is going out, and you know this does not end well. We say, if this is the future you believe in, then this is the downhill road you will take.
But there are always choices in life, and step one is to be open to change. If what you are currently doing is not working anyway, why fear change? Trying some new method, something different from what you have done in the past, will always work out in the end, even if it is not the step that creates the changes you desire. You see, trying new avenues teaches you what works, and what does not work, and that knowledge can be priceless. For each step closer to a new direction opens doors to the next step, and the next.
We ask you to be open to stepping outside your comfort zone to see what choices you have. We know you have ideas that you have not implemented, for we are the ones guiding you with the ideas. We also know that it is fear which stops you from trying. This is okay, but not beneficial. Know that we will never stop guiding you, even when you fear trying. For the scarier it gets for you, the more desire you have to make a change.
So, we ask you to take baby steps toward your ideas, for that is all which is needed to succeed. One step which leads you to the next step, and so on. And before you know it, the path will clear, and you will have the knowledge of what to do, and what not to do.
~ RoseAngel