Peaceful Heart, Fearful Mind

Our dear loved ones,
This is a time of confusion for all, we are being split apart in our minds, our hearts, and our souls. We ask you, ‘Why do you choose to fight before you choose to work together toward the common goal?’
We understand your leader is different than ever before, but why does this mean you create a different person inside of thyself? You may agree or disagree, but once you try to save others from their own beliefs, regardless to wanting to help or wanting to be correct, you have just changed that which you are to that which they are not. And in doing so you cannot claim victory, just more of the injustice which is taking place.
We see fear, arguments, judgments, fights and wars, but what we do not see is the love and joy we are as individuals, and as a society. This being said, we ask, ‘How is this working out for you?’ Listen closely dear ones, for in your answer you can find the solution.
We chose to come to this planet as different individuals in order to create the contrast which gives us the experiences we desire. We did not choose to come to this planet as different individuals to judge the others, nor to think there are superior races or status. Understand that we are all equal, but not entitled. This is not what is in your hearts dear ones, but that which was created out of fear.
Fear is a very powerful tool, so we ask you not to succumb to the fear which others use to control you, for you cannot be the receiver of fearful situations unless you attract them in order to become stronger individuals. Fear will take over the mind and body, we know. But fear is never the direction you want to follow, for you cannot find peace or solutions with a mind being controlled by fear.
We know it is difficult to get over that which has hurt you in the past, but we promise when you stand with your fear but still demand peace, then the outcome will set you free.
~ RoseAngel
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