Resolution to Just Try

Dear loved ones,
We start this New Year with high hopes of doing better than the last one, and this is good. Some are determined and do not give up, others will fizz out once the incentive leaves their ambition, both these paths are good. We think ‘success’ is the only good path, but no one has ever failed by trying. For we receive so much by trying, you know. We learn what does and does not work, we learn what we have tried, and what not to try next time, and we learn that though we did not finish what we had started, that next time we have the energy to try, we take another path.
New Year’s resolutions are good for they get us to think of what we believe will make us happier. Believing in happiness is the key here, for most have learned how to survive without happiness for so long that it seems more the norm than actually feeling joy in our daily lives. So when we review the past year and know we no longer want, we desire more in the next year. We do this because deep inside we know we are supposed to be happy. We know there is more to this life than living to survive. We know we have options, and yet we do the same thing that cuts off those options because we are afraid to change.
So we say, try dear one, for there is no failure and any little step you take is one step closer to success.
~ RoseAngel
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