That Which is Memorial Day

Memorial Day to some is a day used to remember those who have passed. Not only our soldiers, but your loved ones. This is not easy for some, as physical beings choose to believe that once we die, we no longer have contact with each other. This is the furthest from the truth, for when our bodies pass, our Soul or our Inner Energy will never die, they exist forever. So Do Not Overlook Them, For They Are Still Here. This is hard for some to grasp, as they do not see, nor hear their loved ones after they pass. Some will admit they feel them, but even then, they are not completely sure of themselves.
Dear ones, we want you to know that they do exist and still love you, and that they are with you always. Your loved ones are always guiding you through signs, songs, feelings, and they whisper in your ear. Their interests are still the same, and they want you to be as happy as they are. For on the other side, they are the same being as when they walked the earth, but they are now free of fear and worry, and free of any form of guilt or belief in punishment. For they know everything is exactly the way it should be. They know you are either attracting that which makes you happy, or that which takes you outside your comfort zone in order for you to decide to make the changes which brings you toward the happiness you so desire. They are living in true peace and love, and are truly Free! And they want the same for you.
Worry not for those who have passed, for they celebrate their existence daily. And in their state of bliss, they want to share with you that which you have forgotten, that being free of pain and worry is a choice. And that your fear and guilt is that which truly keeps you from seeing your choices. You came here to enjoy life; And You Deserve to Enjoy Life! You have just forgotten this, but if you let go and allow, they will guide you to different choices which will open your eyes to see your worthiness, and to be happy.
~ RoseAngel