Today Is A New Day

Hello dear ones, and welcome, for today is the first day of the rest of your life. You have many first days, but do not usually take advantage of them. As beings, you tend to focus on the past, as if it is beneficial in solving your problems. We say, focusing on the past keeps you in the past, and as long as you do not move forward, you will not be able to see a solution.
We understand life can be difficult, sometimes so difficult you would rather ignore it, or just give up. We know giving up is not your nature, for you cannot help but to experience and grow from difficult times. Though when it comes to ignoring your issues, this you have mastered. You may think that not everyone is alike in this way, but even the best of you know how not to look at that which you do not understand.
Ignoring your issues is not a bad thing, it actually can be a coping mechanism for many. But know that your issues never do go away. You can push them down for days, months, and even years, but they are still there patiently waiting to be resolved.
When you are ready, or when life is so difficult that you do not have another choice, you will face your problems, and slowly they will start to make sense. You see, any difficulties you are going through are fear based. Fear can be tricky, as it does not necessarily mean you are afraid. Fear can be as simple as not understanding, which feels like lack. And since you like to be in control, lack will throw you off track.
Worry not, for you are always truly in control, even when you feel you are not on track. You see, every experience in life leads you toward the solution. This is human nature, for you are either happy, or you are taken outside of your comfort zone, so your desire to be happy pushes you toward change.
This may be difficult to understand, but know that there is only Good in life. For even the horrible things that happen make you stronger and wiser. And if you find yourself in a horrible situation, know that on some level you have attracted this because you are ready for change, change for the better. Life goes full circle, and the contrast of difficulties allows you to find the strength to make that change.
So next time you find yourself hurting, know that this is okay, for you are ready dear one, to accept more from life.
~ RoseAngel