Treat Yourself to Happiness

We are here together, yet so very apart. It is natural to love one another, yet we find reasons to disagree, to demand our way, and to separate as a family, as a society, and as a nation.
Life is not always easy, but when we choose sides, we say, ‘You are wrong, and I am right.’ And this does not allow the natural flow of togetherness to exist. It is natural to categorize situations as right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or hurtful, and once the decision is made, it becomes our truth.
You see, many can see the same situation, yet each one has a different description. This is true with our society in general, which is why we have a desire to take sides. And once we find a side who agrees with us, we support the notion that we must be right, for here is our proof.
The real truth, dear one, is by using our energy to analyze and make judgments on situations only creates baggage that holds you back. We think we are helping others by making rules in order for them not to hurt themselves. These rules in return have to be followed up upon and enforced, and who else to do this but the one who has decided to enforce how another should act?
Know that we are not here to correct one another, for it is none of our business what others do. It is not our business how others should act, nor is it our concern to make the world more like that which we personally desire. Our desires are our own, and once we try to enforce them upon others, we have lost our ability to enjoy that which we want. You see, dear one, we all do the best we can with the tools we have. And the tools we have were created by the experiences we have lived. And our strongest tools are those experienced from our biggest mistakes.
It is time to stop allowing that which is going on in the world to anger us, for there are no solutions in anger. Our anger and our feelings are ours to choose. And we can choose to point the finger to that which we believe is wrong, or we can choose to look at the good in the world. The feelings we experience is the key to our happiness. And happiness is our purpose in life, so why choose anything that takes us away from that which is our purpose?
The bottom line, dear ones, is we are all here to create life as we so desire it. Society, family, and friends may anger us, and we may even be attracted to some drama, but know it is always your choice how we react to them. And how we react, anger or happiness, is also how we treat ourselves.
~ RoseAngel
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