Trust in the Process of Life

Hello dear ones,
We want you to know that we are here for you. You think you are alone, and at times you feel lost, but you are not. You came here knowing life would be difficult, but also knowing that you have access to infinate guidance.
The issue is, if you do not believe you have Source and the Angels on your side, you are unable to hear us. Have you ever spoken to someone who you believe is not completely honest? They can say something that makes perfect sense, but you will not take their information into consideration because You Do Not Believe Them. This is exactly how it works when we guide you. You may hear or feel us, but since you believe otherwise, you will not listen. You will make up and excuse in your mind not to believe.
This being said, we ask that you give us a try. When you are feeling lost or confused, and you find yourself worrying about the outcome, stop and ask for help. You see, we abide by Free Will. If you do not ask, or if you are not open to our guidenace, we will never push for you to understand. It is pointless, for the more we would push, the more you would resist, and in your resistance is proff you are not ready.
The next step is something that many find challenging. After asking for guidance, Let Go of that which is bringing you the pain. This is not easy for many, for your belief that ignoring the problem seems pointless in finding the solution. We say, in focusing on the problem, attracts the misguided energy which creates more of the same, which is why you find your problems snowballing into bigger problems.
Have you heard the phrase, When it rains, it pours? Many except this concept that life just keeps getting more difficult. We say, your belief in the problem, along with the lack of hearing the solution, creates more problems. It is law, for what you focus on multiplies!
In Letting Go, we do not ask you to redirect you focus from that which you are worrying about toward a solution, for if you knew the proper solution, you would already be there. We ask you to Let Go, for in the worry and fear, you are creating more worry and fear. And in the Letting Go, you are allowing us to guide you to a solution, for you are open to our guidance. And when you are open to moving in another direction, which may even be outside your comfort zone, you will open your eyes to the greater picture we see and the direction of the happiness you seek.
We ask you to always go easy on yourself, to choose happier thoughts even when you are feeling the fear of the unknown. For the goal is to enjoy life, and create the peace you deserve. Believe anything is possible when you follow your inner guidance, for the Angels will never guide you to a situation they are not able to get you out of.