Two Faces of the Pandemic

2020 will forever be remembered as an emotional rollercoaster. Travel bans, stay at home orders, extended shutdowns, watching the death toll rise, mask mandates, and the search for a vaccine; just to name a few experiences that we lived through.
And now I feel our country is split more than ever in our beliefs, so I asked the angels to explain this pandemic, not only to help us understand, but to enlighten us to move forward in health, and in the freedom of our daily lives. Here is their message…
Dear ones,
We hear your cries, judgments, and guilt. We know most of you would never have thought something like this would happen, for we tend to believe there are others out there who are in charge and would not allow this virus to have spread in the way it has.
Now you have those who are scared, those who are angry, and those who are in disbelief that this is happening in our world. It is in these differences of how we feel that can make us so hard on one another.
You see, if we all agreed, we would move together toward healing… but we do not. We have chosen to blame others for not believing the way we do, not taking the actions we believe they should have, or even educating themselves the way we chose to educate ourselves…
Therefore, what we have is chaos. Not a virus, not a pandemic, not a disease… but chaos; and that is why the healing is not able to progress.
Dear ones, to understand this chaos, we must understand attraction. For nothing can be attracted into your life without your acceptance. This is hard for many to understand, as who would want to live in fear, or watch a loved one die from such an isolating, cruel disease? And even if we did align with this virus entering our lives, how can you explain why so many in our world have attracted this same belief?
To answer this, we must teach the basics.
We are all connected, what we do in life not only affects you, but affects us all.
We all have free will, this is important to understand as it defines our decisions.
What you choose to think or believe, will attract more of the same.
Knowing this, we ask you to understand that this pandemic has been in the making for many generations. We as a society are not happy, and as a result we have created a pandemic so overpowering that we have no other choice but to pay attention to that which is, and to make the changes we can, in order to move toward our basic need of happiness. You see, change is not desired unless we are not happy, and this virus has made many unhappy.
That being said, we forget that this virus has also made many happy. It is hard for us to believe others can be happy from a circumstance which makes us uncomfortable or uneasy. But with free will, we all have choices over how to react to that which is presented to us.
We have a choice not to live in fear, and to make every day one which allows happiness.
We have a choice to accept that which is out of our control, and to find meaning to why we have attracted it into our lives. And we have a choice to accept the bad with the good, to be appreciative of that which we still have, and to allow others to believe what they want to believe, for it has nothing to do with you or your beliefs.
We promise you this dear ones, when you choose to focus on that which makes you happy, when you notice the good in your life, when you appreciate instead of disparage, your life will change toward the happiness you so desire. For when you notice the good, you find hope, and when you find hope, you are open to more good flowing in your direction. The choice is always yours.
~ RoseAngel
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