What do you believe in?

What do you believe in?

What do you believe in?  That is where you start.  We all believe in something that is a step above where we are now.  We can believe in “The rich become richer”.  So how does that help someone who does not believe they will ever be rich?  You break it down until it matches your belief of yourself.  It can start like this… What are you thinking when you see “the rich” buying something?  Listen to your thoughts, are you putting them down – Rich people are not happy people, Rich people think they are better than everyone else, Rich people can not buy love, etc.  Now, you have somewhere to start.  IF YOU BELIEVE THE RICH ARE NOT GOOD OR HAPPY PEOPLE, THEN YOU ARE TELLING YOURSELF THAT IN ORDER TO STAY GOOD OR HAPPY, YOU HAVE TO LIVE IN LACK OF MONEY.  This is not true!  There are many good and happy rich people.  There are many bad and sad poor people.  Your emotions and choice of being has nothing to do with money.

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