When Life Gets Tough…

Our Dear Ones,
We know you feel life can be unfair, and so much is piling up on you at once. And when you try to heal, you do not know where to start. For you want so many changes that it overwhelms you. And even though you are a spiritual being with spiritual beliefs, change scares you. And we say, ‘Why?’ For life is forever changing, so jump aboard and enjoy the ride!
When you understand your power, you know you will eventually align with all you desire… but today does not seem to be that day, and you are tired of hurting. You ask us for assistance, and believe you are open to the guidance, but you experience another day of pain, and wonder what it is you are or are not doing to allow this mess?
We say, ‘This mess is your guidance.’ For you ask for a happier life, yet you keep doing that which you do not love. You ask for alignment with your health, yet you do not put yourself first in order to work toward your goals. You ask for success, yet you choose the easy way out.
All this being said, we ask, ‘Is it us who are not answering your prayers, or is it you?’ Life will never be all you want it to be until you start caring for yourself. We are here to give you all you ask for, all your wants and desires, but it is you who refuse to align with it all.
You see, the career of your dreams is all about aligning with that which you love. How can you work toward your goal, when you fill your time working for another? How can you align with good health, when you do not have the time to care for your body? How do you find happiness, when everyone around you takes up your time and energy in order to help them heal?
Dear one, we ask you to be more selfish of your time and strengths. For caring for thyself is not self-centered! It is self-loving, and if you took time for you, and loved yourself as much as you care for and help those around you, then you would not be asking for our guidance, for you would be aligned with all that brings you joy.
~ RoseAngel
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