You Are Loved!

Dear ones,
We love you, and are so happy to share our messages with you. We will start by talking about the uncomfortableness of being told you are loved. This is not always something you may be okay with hearing. Love is tricky, you know, because it can be scary. If you love someone who you know loves you, then all is well. But to take the chance of loving someone who may not respond the way you want them to, that can be overwhelming. This is because your love for yourself is being questioned, and you cannot see clearly that you are in fact, worthy of being loved.
This being said, we assure you that you are not only worthy, but it is your false belief that keeps you from receiving love. Sometime, usually long ago, you felt it was your fault things were going wrong. You chose to believe in your unworthiness, and then blamed yourself. This unworthiness spread into the belief of being unloved. This belief then become a great cycle of self-sabotage dear one, but it is time to stop this cycle! It is time to get to know the real you, because you are lovable! You are a good person, we are all good people, for we all do the best we can until we learn to do better.
We ask you to focus on the good in your life. Think of the way you treat yourself and others, are you happy with your actions? If you are, pat yourself on your back every once in a while, even if others do not agree. And if you are not happy, forgive yourself. For beating up on yourself only reinforces the belief of unworthiness. Understand that we are all growing and experiencing life at our own pace. And we all came from different backgrounds, so there is no putting a time or age on what you have accomplished. In fact, comparing yourself to someone else will always lead in you keeping yourself back in life.
This is not always easy to understand, but we are all good and loving people. Even the most evil of us are doing the best they can, they are just lost and trying to find their way. So, when you do not feel loved, or lovable, pull yourself up and think of better times, feel the good that had happened, and can happen again. Love yourself, even a little, or think of something you did that helped you or another, and feel the happiness it brought you. Know that you always have a choice what to think and feel about yourself, then focus on the good. You are worthy of love and happiness, for the bad times are in the past, and you have a choice never to do or feel that way again.
~ RoseAngel