Your Light Within Shines For All To See

Dear ones,
We all have inner guidance, but not all choose to listen to it. This is okay, for some are not ready to hear. Know that this does not stop us from continuing to guide you, as we know sooner or later you will be ready, and can benefit from our guidance.
This being said, judge not those who are ready. You see, our guidance is the true path to your heart’s desire, but some feel this is nonsense. Some feel that we all should act the same, and believing in a higher power which directs us toward our true inner happiness, is just a bit much for them to believe.
When it comes to helping others, we ask you to follow our direction, as we never try to get another to do as we know is best. Trying to make others align with your beliefs does not benefit anyone. For we are all on different areas of our paths, and once they are where you are, then it will make sense for them to align.
This is where some religions get it wrong, for forcing others to believe in something that they are not aligned with creates confusion within. And if they admit the confusion, they are frowned upon and told they do not have faith. This causes guilt, and guilt is not spiritual, nor does it align with God or the Universe.
We ask you all to be okay with being selfish in your beliefs, for they are a gift to yourself, not others. We ask you to feed your desire to help others by actually helping yourself, loving yourself, putting yourself first, so you may become an example for others to look up to. This is how Angels help you align, you know. They stand in their own power, and see you rising to their level. They believe in you, when you do not always believe in yourself. They know your abilities, and trust you will algin with them. They see you as whole and healed, and as a result you on some level feel the same about yourself.
You see, we all can feel each other’s love. And when that love is directed toward us, we then have the choice to believe, or put it to the side for later. This, dear one, is the greatest gift you can give another, love and believing in them, and the patience to allow them to believe in themselves when they are ready.
~ RoseAngel
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