Forgiveness is the First Step

Hello Dear Ones,
Today we would like to talk about Forgiveness, for this is a subject most do not desire to face. There is so much freedom in forgiveness, but to do so you must first feel the pain, and that is where most give in. For we as a society have been taught that feeling pain is a sign of weakness, that pain is a bad awareness, and that pain is a step in the wrong direction. But we say NO! Pain is your sign of that which is not wanted, and that which points you in the direction to let go.
One of the main misconceptions is that in the forgiving, you then become sociable with one another once again, and most do not want this. You have these beliefs that forgiveness allows the other to get away with the pain you have allowed them to cause you. This is not true, ‘For Forgiveness Is For Thyself’. It is you who carries the pain, not them. It is you who feels the anger or helplessness, and it is you alone who are able to allow yourself to let it go.
This being said, we ask you to consider forgiving those who have hurt you so you may move on, and no longer carry the pain of their actions. Be aware that we are not all the same. We have not experienced the same emotions in life, and we do not all know how to be a better person for someone else. At times we do not even know how to be a better person for ourselves. But know that ‘We All Do The Best We Can With The Tools We Have’.
And this is why it is okay to let go and forgive, for they were not in the same place you were when the pain took place. They were not capable of supporting your happiness, for they did not have the strength to do so. And why rely on someone else to allow you to be happy anyway?
You see, you are not the victim unless you allow another to make you feel this way, and any pain caused by another is all they were capable of doing in that time of their life. Knowing this, you can step above holding the anger inside, and face the pain of the forgiveness process without the blaming them or yourself. And finally, you can feel the freedom of not holding their actions as your excuse to endure the suffering.
~ RoseAngel
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