How to be happy?

How to be happy?

Oh, such an amazing subject, so simple and so difficult at the same time.  Happiness is the answer to the changes you are seeking.  But to go from fear and worry to happiness can sometimes be a process.  We are here to help you every step of the way but you have to want it.

Who does not want to be happy?  You think this is you but chances are, it is not.  We want to be right more than we want to be happy.  We want revenge from being wronged more than we want to be happy.  We want our way, right or wrong more than we want to be happy.  So this being said, what are you willing to give up to be happy?  Seems silly, but in general most are not willing to give up the control of what is and the memory of what has wronged them to find the happiness they desire.

Choose to be happy, no matter what, just for one day, one week and then one month and your energy will line up with your desires, your focus on what is good will have to surface and happy will no longer carry such resistance and then it must be.

We want you to be happy for this is who you really are.  We want you to see the good in situations for every bad thing does have good overtones.  We want you to love who you are for being happy will remind you of the where you came from, and where you are going.  Happiness is a choice, practice choosing it every chance you get and we promise you – your life will change, choices will open up to you and your desires will manifest.

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