Who am I?

Who am I?

You are who you want to be.  You are who you believe you are.  This being said, who do you want to be?  It is that easy, you know.  There are so many things that stop you from achieving your dream but in reality there is only one thing that stops you and it is you.

Listen to what calls you.  How does this make you feel?  This will determine if you are ready.  Sometimes we want to be ready but are paralyzed in fear.  Why you think, could something as natural as following your calling be so scary? 

Scary is just your separation from your real self, you know.  Scary is what you use for a reason to not move forward.  Fear not, for you have nothing to lose unless you do not try.  Dreams are here for the taking and worthiness has nothing to do with it.

It is us who call you toward your dreams, for it is you who desires change.  Move forward dear ones for we will be with you every step of the way.

Please follow and share!
