I’ve had a lot of requests for writings about Relationships, so here is my next blog…

I’ve had a lot of requests for writings about Relationships, so here is my next blog…

What is it that you want out of your relationship?  If your answer involves any form of being taken care of, then we need to talk.  When you look for others to fill a void or a need, you will forever be dependant on them to make you happy and this is not possible.  Someone else can not make you happy or take care of you or fix that which really is not broken.

If you are looking for others to help you, it is for one reason only, you have not figured out how to be the person you came here to be.  This is okay, we all get lost on our way but you never quit trying to find your way.  In other words, even if you are not living the life you want with the people you think you want, you will eventually move into the direction that brings you joy.

Please follow and share!

2 Responses

  1. Filya says:

    I am not looking for someone to take care of or help me. I am however looking for someone to spend time with. And although I do feel complete, it’s a love relationship I’m missing.

    • Dearest one, we feel your pain and we say it is your pain that keeps you from meeting the one you are longing for. The more you connect with the lack of what is, the more you believe it may never come. Focus instead on the knowing that a loving relationship is yours, feel the comfort and the joy of having someone you care for in your life. Know that this person will come into your life when you both are ready to meet each other and we promise you it will happen. When the belief is there, you have no reason to worry about the lack because you know it will happen. This is what we ask of you and when you are able to achieve this, your life will shift in the direction you are desiring.

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