The Peace Within

Our dear ones,
Life has taken a turn; the country you live in seems as if it is becoming separated on so many issues that you wonder, will we ever be united again? There is the fear of being attacked by other countries, but there is also the fear of being attacked by others within your own country. Which side do you take? Which side is correct? Which side has the answers?
We say, this fear you feel is within. For it is not the changes, the disagreements, nor the separation which is bothering you, it is the Fear. Fear of the unknown, Fear of change, Fear of the future.
You see, these changes cannot affect you unless you allow it. We know you are not comfortable with other’s beliefs, to the point that you feel they are affecting me! We know you want your loved ones to think and agree with you. For how do you trust someone who thinks so differently than you? You feel you are the ‘good guy’, and the one who can see through all the bull. So, this means they must be the ‘bad guy’, and the one who is being fooled.
And we say, there is no wrong, so you both must be right! You see, there is no wrong, just experiences in life. Since this life is ever evolving, it is you who must learn how to accept and handle that which is presented to you. You may take the path that brings more fear and pain, or the path which allows them to believe what they want and you to believe in that which brings you peace. It all boils down to thoughts, choices, and finding the peace within that does not allow you to think, ‘Them or Me’.
~ RoseAngel
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