What is the Meaning of Life?

What is the Meaning of Life?

Do you remember the story of Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden?  They were forbidden to eat from the Tree of Knowledge, but they did.  And what happened to them?  They were banished from the garden to experience Good and Evil. 

 Stories change as they are translated, you know.  This story speaks of a decision which changed all of mankind but was it really that bad?  Does experiencing good and evil so much worse than to live without experiencing life? These are questions that explain the meaning of life, you know. 

 When life is difficult, we want someone or something to make it better.  What we do not understand is that we all have the power within to make life better.  Also, what we really want in life is to be validated, so by having others fix our problems… Well, it really can not be done for the reason we have ‘problems’ is because we have this desire to move forward in life.  The only way we can move forward is to experience the creation of a new, more desirable living.  This being said – we want to have problems in life because this is the only way we can find a way of becoming who and what we want.

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